list of the hotels near the Conference place

You can stay in one of the hotels located in the city center or near Bordeaux Sciences Agro (Gradignan). List of hotels near Bordeaux Sciences Agro (10 to 15 minutes on foot)

  • Hôtel Restaurant Campanile Allée des Demoiselles, Gradignan €65 (night+breakfast included) -Specify Bordeaux sciences agro rate when booking (by email or telephone only).
  • Hôtel B&B (same adresse than Campanile)
  • Enight, 8 rue Gutenberg,  Gradignan negotiated price -10%: €93 (night+breakfast included)-Specify the name of the conference when booking.
  • Hôtel de Guyenne (lycée hôtelier de Talence – Bordeaux) 15 rue François Rabelais, Talence
  • Domaine de Raba 35 rue Remi Belleau 33400 Talence Specify the name of society  science Agronomie when booking
  • The room "Les sous-bois" at the rate of 240€ per night, breakfast included The room 
    "Les Pigeons" at the rate of 285€ per night breakfast included 
    The "Le cygne" room at the rate of €305 per night, breakfast included
     The room "The animals of the park" at the rate of 285€ per night breakfast included 
    The "Birds" room at the rate of €265 per night, breakfast included 
    The lodges at the rates of 285€ per night breakfast included
  • Hôtel Carthon
  • Hôtel Le Chalet Lyrique 169 Cours du Général de Gaulle, 33170 Gradignan

list of the hotels near center of Bordeaux here  ici