
Conference program


1st day: Monday 4/07/ 2022

9:00  Introduction by Organizers and welcome by Sabine Brun-Rageul, Director of BSA & Olivier Lavialle, President  INRAE Center Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux

9:15   Presentation about sponsor, the OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (CRP), Max Suckling, Scientific Advisory Body representative of the CRP

9:30 Marcus Lindner, European Forest Institute, Bonn, Germany

“Enhancing resilience of European forests based on state-of-the-art disturbance evidence, disturbance scenarios and forest modelling – approaches used in the I-Maestro and RESONATE projects”.

10:00   Barry Gardiner,EIFC, France

“Developing Generic Open Source Models for Predicting Wind Damage Risk to Forests and Trees in a Changing Climate”

Authors: Barry Gardiner(Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée, Cestas, France), Tom Locatelli (Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée, Cestas, France) and Sophie Hale (Forest Research, Roslin, Scotland)

10:30   Coffee break

11:15  Frédéric Berger, INRAE, France

"Mountain forest and natural hazard prevention: Are Forest-based Solutions grandmothers of Nature-based Solutions?"

11:45  François Pimont, URFM, France

“A biophysical approach of fire risk following biotic and abiotic disturbances in forests: the examples of bark beetles and drought”

12:15   Lunch

13:45  Richard Cobb, California Polytechnic State University, USA 

“Socio-ecological heterogeneity and scale mismatch challenge management of wildfire, tree mortality, and forest carbon ”

14:15  Heli Peltola, University of Eastern Finland, Finland  

"Anticipating and managing multiple risks to boreal forests and forestry under a changing climate: a Finnish Case study"

14:45  Hervé Jactel, Biogeco, INRAE, France (20 min + 10 discussions)

"Multi-species forestry to address multiple risks in forests"

15:15   Coffee break

15:45 Jean Noel Candau, Canadian Forest Service, National Resources Canada, Canada

“ An analysis of the risks associated with the range expansion of forest insect pests in relation to climate changeAn analysis of the risks associated with the range expansion of forest insect pests in relation to climate change ”

16:15 Marc André Parisien, Canadian Forest Service, National Resources Canada, Canada

“ Fire deficit and surplus in boreal and temperate North America: causes, consequences, and future projections ”

18:30   Cocktail dinner

2nd day: Tuesday 5/07/ 2022

Toward facilities devoted to survey and monitor multiple risks including emergency devices for major risks

9:00 Opening remarks

9:15    Guillaume Moreau, University of Toronto, Canada

“ The angle of the effects of thinning on the multiple risks to which forests are subjected (drought, fire, wind, etc.) ”

9:45    Marie Grosdidier, Plateforme Epidemiosurveillance Santé Végétale , France 

"Health risks in forests: from forest monitoring data and risk factors improving decision-making support"

10:15   Coffee, poster sessions and networking

-Félix Bastit " Local economic impact of interacting natural hazards "

- Rakotoarison Hanitra " Integrating multiple risks in forests  economic models "

- Arthur Gilles " Understanding how bark beetles outbreaks are related to forest sites in Wallonia and the Vosges "

Sandrine Brèteau-Amores "Forest adaptation strategies to reconcile timber production and carbon sequestration objectives under multiple risks of extreme drought and windstorm events"

11:00  Frédéric Delport, Forest Health Department, France

"Monitoring forest health : what the Forest Health Department (DSF) does in France and which links exist with other risks"

11:30  Representatives of forest ministerial department

Rémi Savazzi, MAA DGPE,  France

"Operational strategies for multi-risk management related to forest fires"

Stephen Yamasaki, Office of the Chief Forester of Quebec, Canada

12:00  Lunch

13:30  Christophe Orazio, IEFC, France

"Overview of the complexity of integrated multi-risk approaches in the forest"

14:00 Antonio Salgueiro, AGIF, Portugal

" Change Management under the Pyroscène – the Portuguese Integrated rural fire experience ”  

14:30 Jonathan Boucher, Canadian Forest Service, National Resources Canada, Canada

« Coupling fire intelligence models to fire growth modelling through Firehawk »

15:00   Coffee break

15:30 Round Table theme 1 : Diagnosis and tools theme 2 solutions and strategies

16:30 Closing remarks of the day

20:00 Gala dinner in Bordeaux and cruise on the Garonne aboard the Royal Barge

3rd day: Wednesday 06/07/ 2022

Toward strategies for multi-risks mitigation and vulnerability reduction in forest socio-ecosystems

9:00    Phillipe Deuffic, INRAE, France; Maya Gonzalès, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France; Sébastien Delmotte, MAD environnement, France

" How do forest stakeholders perceive and cope with multiple risks? An exploratory survey in the Gascony forest  "

9:30    Louise Eriksson,  Umea University, Sweden

“ The social dimensions of managing old and new forest risks in a changing societal context ”

10:00    Rasoul Yousefpour, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

“What are novel decision approaches and their outcomes to deal with multiple risks and uncertainties in forest resource management? ”

10:30   Coffee break

11:00  Round table synthesis and perspectives (60 min)

12:00  Collaborative research programs and closing remarks by the organizing Comitee and Max Suckling, Scientific Advisory Body representative of the CRP OECD

12:30  Lunch