Anticipating and Managing Multiple Risks in Mediterranean and Boreal Temperate Forests: European and North American Approaches

Anticipating and Managing Multiple Risks in Mediterranean and Boreal Temperate Forests: European and North American Approaches As part of the 2RI FORWARD international research network, INRAE, Laval University and the Natural Resources Canada service are organizing an international workshop in Bordeaux from July 4 to 6, 2022 entitled "Forecasting and managing multi-risks in temperate, boreal and Mediterranean forests: comparison between North-American and European approaches” thanks to the support of the OECD through its CRP programme.Forest ecosystems are subject to complex and multiple risks such as fires, droughts, storms, the spread of diseases and pathogens. Climate change and global changes tend to increase the extent and frequency of these disturbances. This workshop focuses on the analysis of current and emerging risks and their interactions, the monitoring systems for these multiple risks and the various possible mitigation strategies. The comparison of North American and European approaches aims to share and promote the emergence of innovative solutions to mitigate multi-risks with regard to the expectations of the various actors in the field (general public, public authorities, managers).

If you are paticipating to the conference please find here the link of the OECD questionnaire to fill up.

Find more information on the following website : Home | Multirisks2021 (

The B4EST consortium, in collaboration with IEFC, INRAE and FCBA, is organizing a symposium on research in the service of the resilience and bioeconomy of Maritime Pine. The event, moved to Wednesday July 6, 2022 afternoon, will be held in Amphi C of the Bordeaux Sciences Agro campus, Gradignan (Bordeaux), France. To find out more and register, go to: